Company Profile

A leader in E-commerce

The government's first choice

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Our History

Universal EC Inc. ("UEC") is a forerunner in the Chinese online industry, having accumulated a wealth of field experience since 1985. Employing the use of the most advanced technologies, from early message exchange-based EDI, XML and Web2.0, to modern SaaS / PaaS and cloud computing technology, UEC increases the efficiency of financial, manufacturing, logistics, circulation and a wealth of other industries as well as government agencies. Initially focusing on data exchange technology, the company gradually developed and branched out to modern day business application services. With modern technology, UEC empowers customers by allowing them to take full advantage of the Internet.
UEC integrates finance, logistics and information flow together, granting the ability for businesses to conduct transactions, solve problems and achieve major tasks with trading partners and government agencies. UEC provides a complete suite of B2B(business-to-business) and B2G(business-to-government) E-commerce solutions for government agencies, customs networks, manufacturers and distributors as well as the electronics and financial industries to enhance the competitive strength for these businesses and institutions. In these areas, UEC maintains a significant market share.

Our Vision

Due to the rapid development of Internet technology and the continuous transformation of industry structure, enterprises have to adapt quickly to stay competitive. Universal EC Inc. strives to help businesses adjust to the changes by helping grow their E-commerce services through enhancing customer value and creating more business opportunities for their customers.

Looking Ahead

Universal EC Inc. is an E-commerce leader that provides the solution for logistics as well as the flow of money and information for our clients. The company utilizes superior technology along with its rich customer service experience to continuously enhance the competitive strength of our customers. Our future goals include providing Chinese and English E-commerce products for the Greater China region as well as extending our reach globally to provide international services. Ultimately, the goal of Universal EC Inc. is to grow our products and services, gain an international foothold, and create profits for global businesses and corporations.